Professional REflection
The ‘Professional REflection’ section of the REtoday magazine is the journal of NATRE.
During the time of its existence, REsource carved out a significant place for itself in the world of RE publishing, standing midway between the British Journal of Religious Education (international, academic, peer-reviewed) and REtoday magazine (classroom focused, newsy, colourful).
As such, REsource sought to provide material for the ‘reflective practitioner’, the person involved or interested in RE who wanted to know more about the theory behind the practice and to reflect on underlying issues. It also sought to make the findings of RE-related research available to RE professionals in an accessible form. This commitment to accessibility also meant that material on the history and development of RE, for instance, was often put in the form of autobiographical accounts written by key participants in the field.
Books chosen for review demonstrated a concern for much more than just the ‘subject’ of RE, as did the sayings and quotations – from the provocative to the amusing – that peppered REsource's pages.
Featured resources:
- Are you religious yourself? Being non-binary between ‘religious’ and ‘non-religious' by Denise Cush
- RE: Connecting RE and environmental crisis: reflections on a pilot teacher fellowship programme by Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell
- Promoting epistemic literacy: knowledge and the case for tackling epistemic injustice as an aim for RE by Alexis Stone and Jo Fraser
- Religion, the most important subject on the curriculum? by Linda Whitworth
All Professional REflection articles can be found on the REtoday magazine online website.
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