Your Voice Matters: NATRE's Call to Action to ask your MP to meet us now!

In late September and Early October, teams of teachers from NATRE will be joining representatives from the Religious Education Council of England and Wales (REC), Culham St Gabriel's and RE Today to attend the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat party conferences.

This lobbying work that NATRE do on your behalf is really important because it enables us to take the voices of teachers and pupils to policy makers. At the party conferences, we will be sharing the importance of high-quality RE for all pupils in all schools, talking about the need for a national standard in the subject, sharing constituency data related to RE with MPs, SACRE members, local councillors and party members and talking about what high-quality RE looks like in Primary and Secondary classrooms.

NATRE needs you, our members to support this work. You can get involved by contacting your local MP or Councillor and asking them to meet with our team to talk about high-quality RE for all pupils in all schools. In previous years, we have had amazing discussions because real teachers in real schools and NATRE members have said that it was important to them that their MP spoke to us.

You can contact your MP through their website and via email. Some MPs also use Twitter/X, Facebook or Instagram DM.

Please contact them by the most appropriate means explaining why you, their constituent or a teacher in their constituency would like them to meet with us.

Ask them to contact us directly by using the following email or contacting Fiona Moss (NATRE CEO) @fionajmoss on Twitter/X, her DMs are open.

The final way that you can support us is by using social media during the party conference to, quote tweet, like or share our posts so that the importance of our campaign is shared with a larger audience.

The teachers we are sending to the three party conferences are both primary and secondary classroom practitioners and we at NATRE would like to thank them and their schools for their time. We would like to thank the other representatives from the RE community who will be giving up their time to speak out for our subject.

Thank you to each of you for contacting your MPs and being part of this important work.

Contact your MP to support our campaign to empower Religious Education in schools

Help NATRE by contacting your MP to meet us at the party conference and discuss about RE

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