Veganism as a worldview in RE

FREE RESOURCES to support teaching about the moral status of animals and Ethical Veganism as a worldview in RE

RE Today has been working with the new non-profit organisation, ‘VinE’ (Veganism in Education) to produce a range of free classroom resources for RE which enable teachers and pupils to explore, through critical, objective and pluralistic RE lessons, questions around the moral status of animals and ethical veganism as a worldview. This project is also supported by Animal Interfaith Alliance.

As RE widens its scope and moves towards a worldviews paradigm, aiming to prepare children and young people for life in a complex multi-religious and multi—secular world, studying ethical veganism offers opportunities to examine the dynamics between religions and worldviews. Ethical veganism, a rapidly growing, practice-based philosophical belief, protected under the Equality Act (2010) and in European law, can be understood as a non-religious worldview, but also, for many people, it is a worldview deeply intertwined with religious belief and practice; sometimes supported by religious teachings and doctrines and sometimes presenting challenges to them. Ethical veganism, and the issues relating to it, provide a rich field of study for children and young people as veganism increasingly becomes part of our collective consciousness in everyday life; whether in shops and restaurants, or in discussions ranging beyond our treatment of animals to environmental responsibility, human health, social justice, and of course, religion and belief.

We hope you enjoy exploring the 6 RE units that span Key Stages 1 to 5 (5-18-year-olds). They are designed to be used flexibly and creatively by teachers of RE across the four nations of the UK and beyond. You will find a wealth of activities and ideas for teaching and learning accompanied by supplementary resources and links to external sources too, all of which engage with issues relating to the moral status of animals, and ethical veganism as both a religious and non-religious worldview. There is also a Teachers’ Guide.

Click here to visit the VinE website, where you can access these resources for free!

Veganism as a worldview

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