RE Today Services Welcomes Ian Nicholson as National RE Adviser.

RE Today Services is thrilled to announce the latest addition to their Adviser team at RE. Ian Nicholson, a highly experienced and passionate teacher, Ian will bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the organisation.

Ian is a secondary specialist with a remarkable career in various areas within Religious Education. He has made significant contributions to secondary, primary, and special education sectors. Prior to joining RE Today, he was Head of RE in two secondary schools, an Assistant Headteacher in an 11-18 school and Chair of Trafford SACRE for eight years. Ian was also the cross-phase RE Adviser and SACRE officer for a large local authority in the North-West, which included providing support to unitary authorities on the development of Agreed Syllabuses and the statutory work of SACRE. Within his SACRE work, Ian has led the development of three Locally Agreed Syllabuses and classroom-ready resources. He has also provided school support in relation to RSHE (relationships, sex, and health education) and PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic education) as an SLE (specialist leaders of education) and as lead teacher for Philosophy for Children.

We are confident that Ian Nicholson's extensive experience and commitment to RE will play a vital role in furthering RE Today Services' mission to provide Equipping, Educating, Empowering – all schools, teachers, leaders with researched, relevant, and excellent resources to teach all pupils to develop their own worldview. His passion for the subject and dedication to educational excellence align perfectly with their values.

We look forward to the incredible work and positive impact he will undoubtedly bring to the field of RE.

Ian Nicholson

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