NATRE Secondary Survey 2023

NATRE is conducting this secondary survey (its tenth) to obtain information about the current state of RE in all types of schools so that it can continue to support the teacher in the classroom by raising awareness of the impact of government policy on RE. Surveys like this help us when talking to key stakeholders and that is critical at the moment given the ongoing recruitment crisis for teachers of RE.

Please take a few minutes to answer as many of the questions below as you can. It could make all the difference. These surveys are used by MPs, quoted in parliament, used as information by OFSTED, government reports and used by us and others in lobbying for RE and provide a snapshot of the position of RE in schools. As we have run these over a long period we also have data to show how the situation in schools has changed over time. The effort you put into filling in this survey really makes a difference. Thank you.

Complete the NATRE Secondary Survey 2023 here.

As our THANK YOU to you for taking the time to complete this survey, every school that completes the survey will get a £5 coupon to spend in the RE Teaching Resources shop. Each member will also be entered into a prize draw to win a School Enhanced membership for the year.

Deadline: 31 July 2023

NATRE will treat your responses with complete and absolute confidentiality; no schools or teachers will be identified in any use NATRE makes of the information you provide.

We undertake this research every two years - you can find the key findings of the NATRE Secondary Survey 2021 here.

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