Infographic to show recruitment issues in RE

One of the first announcements from the new Labour Government was the pledge to recruit 6,500 expert teachers. These will be “new teachers in key subjects to set children up for life, work and the future.” Labour has promised £350 million to fund this pledge.

If ever there was any doubt that Religious education is a shortage subject, this infographic presents the evidence. Firstly, the recruitment target for RE has been missed for 12 of the last 13 years leaving an enormous gap in the workforce. In many secondary schools, timetable time has been cut, in others, the curriculum watered down to reduce the subject knowledge gap of those expected to teach the subject. Far from having an expert workforce, 51% of those teaching RE, mainly teach another subject.

NATRE has collected ideas for addressing these issues and has analysed data about different challenges around the country. We look forward to further discussions with members of the DfE ministerial team now that they are in government.

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Who teachers RE in english secondary schools

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