Fond Farewell to Fiona Moss and a Warm Welcome to Angela Hill

After over a decade of dedicated service to NATRE as CEO, we announce with mixed emotions that Fiona Moss is moving on to pastures new. We are incredibly grateful for her unwavering commitment and the significant contributions she has made to our organisation as well as the furtherance of the subject, from lobbying the government and representing our work at every party conference to enabling the high-quality resources delivered by the NATRE Exec for our members.

We are pleased for her in her new role as Education and Programmes Manager at Culham St Gabriel’s Trust (CSTG), we wish her all the best in her endeavours and look forward to working with her in the future.

We are also excited to announce that Angela Hill, National RE Today Adviser will be stepping into the role. Angela brings a wealth of experience and a deep passion for equipping and educating all teachers to teach with confidence. Her expertise and vision will be invaluable as we continue to support and lobby for all religious education teachers nationwide.

We continue to be for teachers, by teachers and made possible with the partnership with RE Today that enables us to educate, equip and empower our members, providing thinking and learning, as well as advice, guidance and thought leadership for, and on behalf of every teacher in the classroom.
Angela Hill shared her enthusiasm for her new role, stating:

"I am honoured to take on the role at such a pivotal time for the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education. I look forward to working with the newly formed NATRE executive team to continue advancing the vital work of supporting and empowering all teachers, teaching the subject. Together, we will build on the strong foundation laid by Fiona and strive to create even greater opportunities for all teachers of religious education."
Katie Freeman, NATRE Chair expressed her sentiments regarding this transition:

All of us at NATRE would like to congratulate our wonderful Fiona Moss on her new role at CSTG. Fiona is a Powerhouse of RE and so many of us have stories about how she has inspired and supported us in our journeys within the RE community. Quite honestly NATRE won't be the same without her but we know that she will continue her important work in her new role and will be a vital part of the new CSTG team. She will be hugely missed but we look forward to continuing to work with her in new ways. Congratulations Fiona on your new role and thank you for all that you have done for NATRE members past and present!

NATRE are excited to welcome Angela Hill to her role working with and supporting the executive. Angela knows NATRE well as she has been working with us in her role as RE today's editor and we are looking forward to working with her more closely. She is a talented and knowledgeable adviser who will be able to support us with our existing projects as well as planning new ones. Congratulations Angela on your new role, we are so excited to see you develop your new role and we can't wait to work with you.
Please join us in welcoming Angela Hill and in expressing our heartfelt thanks to Fiona for her outstanding leadership.


RE Today works in partnership with NATRE, and the organisation was born out of a Teacher’s committee created to be a voice for the teachers. RE Today sponsors one of its national advisers to work with the NATRE leadership and Exec, and the RE Today team provides the foundation of membership management, marketing, research and development and business support.

As part of this RE Today provides the teaching and learning support, providing the RE today magazine and termly Primary, or Secondary curriculum books, and responsive and relevant CPD for all.

For media enquiries please email: Mubina Khan-Daniels -

Fiona at Strictly RE

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