An analysis of the provision for RE in Primary Schools – Autumn 2024

NATRE is pleased to release the 2024 survey of primary religious education. We were encouraged that 557 teachers kindly responded to this survey which makes this our most comprehensive survey to date. There are both good and bad news stories in this survey. Sadly, fewer schools are meeting their statutory duty to teach RE to all pupils. In 2022, almost all schools (96%) reported that all pupils were being taught religious education but by 2024, this figure had fallen to 87%.

In contrast, leaders of RE in primary schools are now more likely to be more experienced teachers than in the past and fewer adults other than teacher now deliver RE which is now mainly taught by classroom teachers. Perhaps of greatest concern is that too many primary teachers are not adequately prepared to teach Religious education – either in their initial teacher training or as part of their continuing professional development. Consequently, they report a lack of confidence in delivering some aspects of the curriculum. This needs to be addressed urgently by the Department for Education as part of a National Plan for RE.

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An analysis of the provision for RE in Primary Schools – Autumn 2024

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