A round up of this month's RE news

NATRE along with key RE stakeholders have been busy lobbying to raise the profile of RE. Here is a summary of this months activity.

02.03 We need a National Plan for religious education - Politics.co.uk –Sir Peter Bottomley on the parliamentary roundtable

08.03 Project to help shape the future of religious education | Education Business (educationbusinessuk.net) Templeton grants

09.03 Religion news 9 March 2022 - Religion Media Centre ‘Call for syllabus writers’ -Templeton grants

11.03 Season 5 Episode 9: The One About The Future of RE (therepodcast.co.uk) – Paul Kerensa on the future of RE in schools and the parliamentary roundtable

11.03 Time to explore the worldviews underpinning the iceberg of religion News (religionmediacentre.org.uk)

1.04. Do stay for tea and coffee: ‘They have a “mini church” once a week in breaktime. They’re eight. It’s unusual’ | Reform Magazine (reform-magazine.co.uk) Paul Kerensa on worldviews/roundtable

30.03 https://www.theschoolrun.com/what-religion-and-worldviews Deborah Weston on an education in religion and worldviews for primary school parents

31.03 https://www.premierchristianity.com/opinion/so-a-comedian-walks-into-a-parliamentary-debate-on-religious-education--but-its-no-laughing-matter/12773.article

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