We are working on providing more content for this area. While we work on this, here are some fantastic resources and suggestions for support in developing leadership skills and knowledge in RE.
Many thanks to Ed Pawson, former Chair of NATRE, for pulling together this list.
RE leadership Practical Checklist:
There is lots of helpful information from RE:Online for subject knowledge and leadership
Mary Myatt’s leadership material is excellent
Follow her on Twitter: Mary Myatt
RE blogs:
- RE online blogs will improve your understanding of current issues in RE
- Knowledge rich is not a knowledge organiser
- Against Worldviews blog
- How I use technology to digitally enhance teaching and learning in RE
- Curriculum building in RE at KS3
- 10 steps to increase the presence of RE in your school
- A quiet education: challenging the extrovert ideal in our schools
Social Media
Facebook (eg Save RE group, and Primary RE group) and Twitter are extremely good channels for RE stuff.
It's worth following @missdcox (Dawn Cox) on Twitter. She is prolific and helpful for secondary RE.