
Please note: this heading refers to all material appearing on the web, including text, video, graphics, sound and animation.

What do we need to consider?

See what the DCSF / University of Warwick report had to say

When judging the suitability of particular websites for teaching about world religions or belief systems, what questions should we be asking?

In the broadest of terms and for a number of reasons, some websites are suitable for teaching and/or learning in RE while others are not. The important thing for teachers, then, is to be able to differentiate between the two.

Checklist to assist in making a judgement about suitability

How can we become critical evaluators of online materials?

The ideal is that both teachers and students use web-based material critically and with discretion: in other words, as 'critical evaluators'. This suggests that this cannot be left to chance, but needs to be planned.

Checklist and lesson framework related to critical evaluation

How can the use of websites promote independent learning?

It is an accepted principle that, in education, pupils need to make progress from dependence and reliance on their teachers/educators to a position in which they can organise their own learning independently.

Two examples of ways in which independent learning might be promoted

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